On December 7, 1932, Hillhouse club took over the franchise. On December 30, 1932, Hillhouse gave up franchise. On January 3, 1933, Americans regained franchise. On February 7, 1933, the franchise folded. Brooklyn Americans  record was 1-11. Brooklyn Hillhouse record was 2-1

Brooklyn Americans played home games at Xavier Clubhouse in Brooklyn.


Benny Borgmann F 34 5:07 160 None fr Paterson 8 27 24 78 9.8
Red Conaty F 28 5:11 150 St.Francis(NY) to Bronx
Tiny Hearn C 25 6:09 230 Georiga Tech’29 fr Paterson/to Visiatation
Honey Russell G-F 29 5:11 180 Seton Hall/NYU to Jewels 14 23 8 54 3.9
Willie McDonald G-F-C 28 None 14 22 8 52 3.7
Rip Andrews F 22 None 11 21 7 49 4.5
Buster Dunne G-C-F 24 6:02 180 None fr Yonkers 9 12 7 31 3.4
Ray Kennedy G 35 5:09 160 None fr Jamaica 6 8 1 17 2.8
Joe Gilkinson F-G 34 6:00 175 None 7 4 2 10 1.4
Bob Grody G-C 32 6:02 215 None to Visitation 10 4 2 10 1.0
Austin Hamburger F-G 22 6:02 210 None fr Jamaica/to Yonkers 3 4 1 9 3.0
Bucky Williams G 27 5:07 155 None fr Jamaica 6 4 1 9 1.5
Artie Musicant G-F 25 5:08 155 CCNY’30 3 3 0 6 2.0
Lefty Kintzing C-G 27 6:02 200 None fr Paterson 2 2 1 5 2.5
Sonny Gluck G 25 5:11 190 None to Jersey City 3 2 1 5 1.7
Ed Conaty F-G 21 5:11 165 None 1 1 1 3 3.0
Tony Schiffer F 27 5:09 160 None 2 0 1 1 0.5
George Clough G 26 5:11 170  None 1 0 0 0 0.0
Harry Glotzer G 22 5:09 165 N.Y.U.’31 1 0 0 0 0
Dave Bass F-C-G 21 6:01 195 None to Jewels
Don Nagle C-G 22 6:03 Rutgers to Paterson
Willie Scrill G 25 5:10 175 None fr/to Visitation
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